الاثنين، 29 أكتوبر 2012

Strangest sports relax in the world on the way of development of the fetus!

When we talk about relaxing comes in our minds immediately yoga and meditation, as well as the mind games, but the Japanese have had a completely contrary view, which devised a strange new way to relax is inspired by the status of the fetus inside the mother's womb.

Japan - (Agencies): accept the Japanese, increasingly, a strange way to make themselves from exhaustion, was to wrap their bodies cut off a large canvas, turns them into what looks like blocks coated according to the relocation of "Oodety Central", the way in which known locally words " Ootana Mackey, "help from subject her to reduce muscle stiffness and forced the Japanese, by virtue of their work long hours, and having to inherent seats, to search for a way to avoid the back pain and get rid of fatigue, says practitioners treat" packaging "that undergo alien technology, makes muscles the body is more flexible, and pays wishing to take advantage of pallets with Japan's share to $ 30 a share of thirty minutes, and $ 56 for a share of a full hour.

الأحد، 9 سبتمبر 2012

Porpoise is watery eyes object almost did not see the like of before

Porpoise" is an aqueous object can be found in oceans all over the world with the exception of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean near South and Central America.
This object and live at a depth of 1000 meters in the ocean floor, and Inmta this object to marine 
animals called "Scotoplanes" platoon

And porpoise another name and is dugongs and this is because of antennae that are found with her head are very similar to the centuries-old sheep and cows extent and therefore are also called sea cows.
This is the image that you see above the porpoise, which uses an inverted where this pig hooves or Alsagan small sticking land of the bottom of the ocean and begin the movement, it does not swim and swim in this small hooves, but it used to move on the bottom of the sea or ocean.

As for the composition of this object is a body of Lin and flabby covered in pink and almost his body viscous to some extent and has a number of antennae Astkhaddma to track the smell of food and get it also has 10 legs on each side five legs employed in navigating the depths of the sea or Ocean .