الجمعة، 28 نوفمبر 2014

?Have you heard about petroleum bath for skin care

Modern way to use petroleum in skin care Where women are used in Azerbaijan (petroleum) in a bath for the skin

One of the strangest beauty recipes that we have seen in this period, that the women using the oil in Bbcherthn care, do you ever Madam that used oil, or heard in this way mainly ?! Come learn about in this article on the origin of matter; where the ladies are used in Azerbaijan (petroleum) oil Khamam Skin

Benefits of "steam bath" for the skin

Women bathed in Azerbaijan crude oil basins hot 40 ° C for the treatment of skin diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, calm the 
.nerves and relax

Cleopatra bath is not a myth
 crude oil bath should not exceed 10 minutes, as scientists warn of the length of stay in the bathroom so as not to activate 
And has a role in protection from disease

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