الجمعة، 28 نوفمبر 2014

؟Do you know the fish the most dangerous in the world

 fish Tiger her sharp teeth of approximately 32 and The large size allows it to attack the organisms and even attack the crocodiles and deadly animals also called Goliath

Predatory fish is the most dangerous in the ocean and the various rivers, danger lies in that it is not only on other fish that live with them under the water compartment, but they also pose a great danger to human beings if she had the opportunity to reach for one of them, "seventh day" review group of the fiercest fish and most dangerous in the world, according to the publication in the US site

Bull shark fish

Shark bull is known as the Zambezi in Africa, can survive in both salt and fresh water and can travel through the rivers, called "shark bull" to form his body filled, and his nose broad and flat, is characterized by aggressiveness, as well as not predict its behavior, as female bull shark advantage of being larger than the males.

Fish Tejarvic

Belong to the category of "tiger fish", can reach adult weight of this group of 68 to 150 kg, are found in the Congo River, it is characterized by sharp brim, which is the most aggressive in their behavior.

Vampire Fish

Fish vampire is known as the "Amazon River" is characterized by the kind popular among fish, it is possible to reach a length of 120 cm, or 47 inches, and weighs 18 kg, is one of the predatory fish very aggressive, characterized by fast movement in the water and have the ability to eat a large amount of fish, weighing half a body size.

Fish electric eel

Eel electric electric fish strong and found in a river in Brazil, Colombia, which is dark gray on the back side yellow-orange on the abdominal area, can generate a strong electric shocks of up to 600 volts for self-defense during fishing, also contains their bodies on the 6000 of cells called Alictrossites, a length of 2.5 meters and weighs 44 kg.

Black Piranha

Found on "Piranha black" in the Amazon and Orinoco South America river basins, and is the most famous fish cannibals, these well-known fish "sharp teeth", and the strength of the jaws, and a length of 14 to 26 cm also there and saw some of the types of those predatory fish length of 43 cm.

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